Townhall on Race, Covid-19, Justice System &Health
When |
Jul 30, 2020
from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM |
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This is the second of an ongoing series of town hall events that are designed to focus on issues of great importance to the minority community, which also have implications for the community at large.
Rochester for Justice, Diversity Council, Northstar Chapter Sierra Club, Barbershop Talk, Rochester Branch of the NAACP, Rochester Community Initiative, along with MN Association of African American Physicians and Zumbro Valley Medical Society present, “The Intersectionality of Race, COVID-19, the Criminal Justice System and the Health of Our Communities”.
This virtual gathering will bring together criminal justice reform advocates, physicians and other care providers, community health leaders, and others who are active in improving and advancing the health of individuals and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Additionally, a special guest, Dr. Rhea Boyd, pediatrician and child health advocate from the Bay Area, where she critically engages the intersections of race, gender, politics, tech innovation, and health, will participate in the event.
The event, will be streamed live via Facebook, and will take place Thursday, July 30, 2020, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The link will be posted here and in the details shortly before the event starts.